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Conformity inspection

Protection against the contamination of drinking water in water installations et overall requirements regarding the design of the devices and protections meant to avoid the backflow contamination.

Procedure and price list

Request document for the certification of devices and protections


In order to start the certification procedure, please send us :

  • The completed and signed application form
  • A list of the models that is easy to copy/paste (Excel, Word, ...).
  • Exploded views (for taps) or hydraulic schemes (for devices) of every model, clearly showing the check valves or backflow protections that are present in the models
  • For devices and backflow protections: certificates (and reports) based on the EN1717 which you have already obtained for these items from other European certification agencies (KIWA, DVGW, NF ....)

It is essential that, during a water inspection, the inspector is able to correctly identify the item and find it in the Belgaqua list of approved devices. It is therefore important that you send us the correct brand names and model names as they are marked on the devices, the identification plates, the packaging, ...  The certificate will not cover devices sold under a different brand name or model name.

Our own expert will first examine the documentation in order to prepare his report. If he needs more information, or a sample, we will get back to you.

Once the dossier is complete, it can be submitted for approval to the committee of experts of the water companies.